"Welcome to class 6F's page. Here you will find information all about our class, what we are learning, our timetables and much more. We hope you like it. " 6F
Monday - Spellings sent home, returned Friday
Wednesday - Grammar/Punctuation, returned Thursday
Thursday - Maths Calculations, returned Friday
Daily reading
P.E. on a Monday - Please make sure you have your kit
Slideshow created by the children of 6F
6F News and Events
Please click here to download the Powerpoint used at the parents SATs information evening
Please click here to take you to the STA (Standards and Testing Agency) website. Here you can download the materials shared at the meeting, as well as further information, examples of the tests, exemplification materials and more. The latest releases are on the page, and if you click on 'see all' under 'Latest' on the left of the page you can access previous updates and materials.
If you have any other questions or require further information about the SATs, please speak to Mrs Bertram, Mrs Finlay or Mr Turner