Just like St Joseph the Worker… Stepping up to achieve excellence
Worship Opportunity Resilience Knowledge Enjoyment Respect
Welcome from the Headteacher
On behalf of everybody at St. Joseph's I would like to extend to you a very warm welcome. I hope you find this website useful, especially if you are new parents, to tell you all about life at our school.
At St Joseph’s, everything we do is rooted in our Catholic beliefs; at our heart is our Mission to live the words of Jesus - ‘To Love One Another’. Our school is a place where faith, values, learning and creativity come together as one. Our Vision is set by following the example given by our Patron Saint - Saint Joseph. ‘Stepping up to achieve excellence’. In order to live this mission, we expect excellence from all - staff, governors, parents and children. We are passionate about learning and opportunities and want to give the best possible experience to our children and families. Our core values - Worship, Opportunity, Resilience, Knowledge, Enjoyment, Respect, permeate all we do.
Contained in this website you will find lots of information all about us; our policies, our vision, your child's education. If there is anything else you would like to know please do complete the 'contact us' section or make an appointment at the office to see me or one of my staff.
Mr A. Turner
An introduction from our Head Boy and our Head Girl
My name is Jonty and I am very happy to be Head Boy of St Joseph’s. I will try very hard to be a good role model.
All of our teachers are kind and can help our brains grow as they help us with anything we find difficult. I enjoy sports and I have had the opportunity to play in the school football team, as well as playing cricket, hockey, ping pong and lots more. As well as sports there are lots of other activities to join in with, such as Green Team, Creativity Team and School Parliament. You can be a Play Leader, Prefect, Reading Ambassador, Minnie Vinnie and maybe even Head Boy or Head Girl!
St Joseph’s provides many opportunities for everyone in every year. Throughout your time at school there are lots of trips, such as going to Chester Zoo. Year 6 have a residential trip with experiences such as gorge walking. I am vegetarian and from when I joined the school in Year1, I have always been able to eat a wide range of nutritious meals which fit everyone’s dietary requirements.
I will cherish all my St Joseph’s memories when I move on into Year 7.
My name is Niamh and I am honoured to represent St Joseph’s as Head Girl. I plan to embrace my role and be a role model, taking on all my duties and helping everyone to live out our school Mission Statement to “Love One another”. I thank all those who voted for me to be in this position.
St Joseph’s is a fabulous school with so much to offer. I have learnt so much from being at this school and had such fun times as well. Everyone gets involved with school clubs and activities here as there are so many to choose from, and something for everyone! Examples are choir, cross country, drama, school Parliament, Reading Ambassador, football and so much more. Although the children make up these clubs, they wouldn't happen if it weren’t for the committed staff who work so hard for the pupils here at St Joseph’s.
I hope I have made a good contribution to the school because I have got so much out of the past 7 years and I want to give a lot back. I will miss this school a lot when I move on in my journey by going to Secondary School but I will never forget my time here. I think it’s safe to say we all agree St Joseph’s is a wonderful place to be.
If you require paper copies of any of the information contained in this website, please speak to the school office who will be glad to help.