Safeguarding Information 


On this page we have gathered together various resources, links and information to help parents and carers support their children to remain safe 


We send out a monthly Newsletter to parents to support with E-Safety, technology, websites, filters, apps, terminology and more. Click here to go to our Letters and Newsletters page and scroll down to E-Safety section

Parental Controls

Each year we send out an updated booklet for parents with an overview of controls to set up a safer online environment. Please click here to download the latest version


Click here to visit the NSPCC website for a wealth of materials

NSPCC - Report Abuse in Education

NSPCC have launched a dedicated helpline for children and young people who have experienced sexual harassment or abuse at school, and for worried adults and professionals that need support and guidance. Click here to visit the webpage

Young people and adults can contact the NSPCC helpline, Report Abuse in Education on 0800 136 663 or email



You’ve probably already talked to your child about things like crossing the road safely. But have you spoken to them about how to stay safe from sexual abuse? We know it’s a conversation no parent wants to have, but we believe it can feel just as natural, and be just as easy, as the road safety chat.

We call it talking PANTS. From P through to S, each letter gives an important message for children as young as four to help them stay safe. 

Click here to download the parent information guide

Click here to visit the NSPCC PANTS website - Resources, videos, guides and more


Social Media - Net aware

Find it hard to keep up with the latest social network sites? Do you know the age restrictions of sites such as Instagram or Facebook? What's the difference between a Tweet, a blog, a post and a like? This handy guide allows you to search for each network site and gives you all the key information in one place, such as terminology, age restrictions and how to set parent controls

Social Media - Share aware


The NSPCC have also produced a series of videos and guides to help parents with their children's online world - from drafting family agreements to helping children understand the dangers of sharing personal information. 

Click here to visit the site


You may have seen the advert on TV - 'I've Seen Your Willy' is a short cartoon video from the NSPCC helping children understand how taking and sharing pictures online can be really harmful. Click here to view the video.


Internet safety -useful parent links

The following links to various websites will give you more information on keeping your children safe online.

Being E-safe with your Children

Internet Matters

Commonsense Media Guides

Google Tools

Screen Time

The Chief Medical Officer for the UK has published guidance on screen-based activities.

The guidance has an infographic which helps parents and carers think about the challenges of managing their children's screen use. Click the poster on the right to enlarge.

ThinkuKnow (Advice for staying safe online, on a phone, tablet or computer)

Thinkuknow provides advice from the National Crime Agency (NCA) on staying safe online, in a collection of guides for parents and games and activities for children


Parent info

Parent Info is a collaboration between Parent Zone and NCA-CEOP, providing support and guidance for parents from  leading experts and organisations.

Home Alone


Deciding if your child is ready to be left home alone can be a tricky decision.

There are lots of things to think about. Plus, there are no hard and fast ‘home alone’ rules or laws because every child is different. This NSPCC link helps you make up your mind about whether leaving your child home alone is a good idea, as well as tips for choosing appropriate childcare if you decide it's not.




Childnet offers a toolkit to support parents and carers of children of any age to start discussions about their online life, to set boundaries around online behaviour and technology use, and to find out where to get more help and support


Safer internet

UK Safer Internet Centre has tips, advice, guides and other resources to help keep children safe online, including parental controls offered by home internet providers and safety tools on social networks and other online services


Let’s talk about it

Let’s Talk About It has advice for parents and carers to keep children safe from online radicalisation


PACE - Parents Against Child Exploitation

Pace is a leading specialist charity that brings the parent perspective to tackling child exploitation. Their expertise comes from years of experience of working with parents, which is reflected in their training courses and approach to multi-agency working.

Pace seeks to:

  • Enable parents and carers to safeguard and stop their children being exploited.

  • Provide evidence and specialist advice in order to demonstrate to partners that parents and carers have an essential safeguarding role.

  • Work with parents and partners to disrupt and bring perpetrators to justice.

  • Influence national and local policy and practice to reflect the active safeguarding role of parents and the impact on families of child exploitation.

  • Sustain long term change by training partners in the active role of parents and carers safeguarding their children

Well being hub


The Health and Well-being Hub is a safe and confidential place to discuss health related topics including :
healthy eating, weight management, sleep behaviour, bed wetting, behavioural concerns, emotional well-being, confidence/self-esteem and lifestyle advice, as well as signposting and referrals to other services if needed.

The 0-19 service has launched new drop in clinics available across the Wirral for 5-19 year olds.

Young people and their parents are able to drop in to any of the clinics that are available regardless of where a young person lives or goes to school.

Click here to find details of times and locations of the Hubs


Parent’s guide to childhood anxiety

Click here to be redirected to the website ‘The Expert Parent's Guide to Childhood Anxiety’ for advice and resources for supporting with anxiety in children


Be Kind to yourself

Why it is important to be kind to yourself 

This webinar covers the importance and benefits of being kind to ourselves. Watch



It is really important we care for ourselves, so that we are able to better care and support those around us. This website is full of advice, articles and videos to support our own wellbeing. Click here


Wirral safeguarding children partnership 

Wirral has its own website containing key information, contact details and resources to support parents and carers. This can be accessed by clicking here